Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cold & Cough takes down a Tillmanator

Fri 11/01 - Cold N Cough Day 1 - Nasal drip.  Yum.
Sat 11/02 - Ignore, ride MTB
Sun 11/03 - Complete Denial.  Race Ed Sanders. See former blog.
Mon 11/04 - Sick.  Raspy. 
Tue 11/05 - Knucklehead goes MTB with fast boy crew.  I bail at 45 min.  Lungs are singed.

Wed 11/06, Thursday 11/07, and Friday 11/08 - SICK, finally resting.  I give up.  Dammit, my cold "competitor" took down the Tillmanator.  I fought.  I tried.  It won.

Sat 11/09 - I ride easy in woods.  Goal = therapy.
Sun 11/10 - repeat.

I am still not feeling well but I'm inching back to normal health.  Man, this cold sucks. 

Mon 11/11 - Rest
Tue 11/12 - Easy rollers in the AM

So, many think I'm insane.  Why would I push this hard especially when I'm not feeling well?
Some understand my motives.

I'd love to think I would be feeling super well by weekend and ready to race Rockburn.

Maybe I will be.  Maybe I'll be at 80-85%.

Regardless, this damn cold competitor taught me a few lessons the last few weeks.
I have some great friends and colleagues who look after me.  They mirror what I find hard to see.

I do need to chill more.  Somehow.  Ideally without a cold bug "putting me down."
I need to ride for fun more.  Play dates and no goals make things fun.

1 comment:

  1. I've been officially "off seasoning it" for about a month. It's been great. The best part has been some days I still feel like I want to push REALLY hard (like I rode for 8 days straight after the Baltimore Marathon which was nutty). But then plenty of days I'm letting myself ride easy and simply enjoy the woods, or rest more (I've taken more days off than I usually do). Your off season is coming! Until then I'm banking on you feeling pretty good by Sunday.
